How to train for a marathon

Running a marathon can require leg strength and cardiovascular stamina. But spending hours on the treadmill won’t assist you cross the finish line on race day. For the latter, you need to spend time walking on the sidewalk.

The elements train for a marathon

When training for a marathon, watching for the elements is essential. As this is an outdoor event, heat, cold, rain, and wind can affect your running and training. Therefore, the only way to prepare for this challenge is to get off the treadmill and train.

One way to train running against strong winds, for example, is to put on a resistance parachute and run. It’s a way to simulate the extra resistance you face when running against the wind.

Training intensity

When training for an endurance event like a marathon, the intensity should gradually increase over time. It is not about running kilometres without more. Just do 3 km a day. It is also not about running between 10 and 15 km at the beginning of training. The only article you will accomplish is to demotivate yourself and hurt yourself.

The first thing you should think about is that training will help you push your limits. Set a goal of how far you can run in 45 minutes. When you reach that target, set a new one with more distance. As you improve your results, you also increase your chances of completing the marathon.

Weight training

Some people believe that preparing for a marathon doesn’t require strength training. However, light to moderate resistance training is beneficial as it increases muscular endurance. This and cardiovascular fitness will be key to long-distance running success.

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Motivation train for a marathon

Most people stop doing something challenging due to a lack of motivation. When you train long hours for an endurance event, you often think you can’t make it to the finish line or even finish your training. If you don’t have a lot of motivation, it’s elementary to start having doubts. It can be easy to give in to these doubts.

One way to stay motivated is to run with a training partner since you commit to training, which can be of great help. Another technique to keep motivated is to treat yourself: like a new pair of shoes, a new piece of clothing, or a relaxing getaway. Of course, you have to pay tribute when you have completed the marathon.

The day before, the event and finish line

Marathons usually start early in the morning. Prepare everything the night before going to sleep, and remember to drink. You’ll sleep better knowing everything is ready, and you don’t have to worry about being late.

In the morning, your nerves will indeed have curbed your appetite. Try to eat low GI carbohydrates (bread, cereal, fruit) one to two hours before the race.

During the event

Try to ignore those innermost voices that tell you that you can’t do it. Follow the rhythm and reach the goal. If you drink electrolyte drinks, bring some water to rinse your mouth afterwards. This will prevent your mouth from becoming sticky and uncomfortable. When you see the target, make one last try to cross the line.

Try to eat something after the race and slowly increase your fluid intake. Your body will need some time to recover from the event. Once you have completed the first marathon, you will indeed be looking for another one to meet. Good luck with your training!

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