The best winter sports

During the Christmas holidays, we must remain physically active. However, it is also the perfect time to break the daily training repetitive and try other activities. This time, we will show you which are the best winter sports.

Six winter sports

Consider all the activities you can do during this time of year:

ski touring

There is no doubt that skiing in winter is a classic. Many athletes are looking forward to this season to train for it.

However, we refer to a slightly more complex modality in this case. Cross-country skiing is a mountaineering discipline that consists of ascending and descending mountains on skis without any unevenness.

We recommend practising this activity only to those who have already mastered conventional skiing and know mountaineering.

As for the material, you will need light skis, exceptional bindings, light shoes, poles, a small shovel, and an ARVA device that will warn you in the event of an avalanche. Remember that safety is paramount in this sport.

Ice skating

Currently, ice skating is also possible in cities where it does not make snow since, in winter, ice rinks are set up so that people can enjoy this fun activity for both children and adults.

Figure skating is quite complex and requires many hours of training. However, you can go to an ice rink for a while to skate.


If you are a surf lover, why not try it in the snow? You can go to a ski resort where instructors are certainly offering snowboard lessons.

To practice it, you will need protection, glasses, and a unique table adapted to the modality that you are going to do:

  • For freestyle, a small, wide board is best.
  • Freeriders need a stiffer, narrower board.

Don’t forget to wear suitable clothing.


This sport is experiencing a great boom. It consists of forming two teams of four players who compete by throwing eight 20 kilo granite stones on a track 45.5 meters long and 4.75 meters wide. The carriers of the brushes vary the trajectory and speed of the thrown stones.

Air boarding

It is one of the most fun activities you can do in winter. It consists of using air mattresses to descend snowy slopes. You have to control the movements with the two handles through your own body, and experts even dare to spin in the air.

A winter sport for the whole family

Did you know that snowball fights in Japan are not just child’s play? In this country, it is considered a professional sport called Yukigassen.

To practice it, you have to form two teams whose members will be eliminated as soon as a snowball hits them. Finally, the team with the most players at the end of the 3-minute set, or the one that manages to capture the opposing flag, wins. There is no doubt that you determination have a good time.

Now that you know what the best winter sports are, do you dare to practice any of the activities that we have presented to you?